MaternityCard - Get Insured for Your Pregnancy
It is estimated that over 50% of all pregnant women are uninsured, and the cost of maternity health expenses can be staggering for those paying out of pocket. MaternityCard provides a solution for uninsured, expecting mothers, saving them as much as 60% off their maternity bills. Best of all, you can get all the benefits of Maternity Card PPO even after you are already pregnant!
Maternity Card PPO guarantees to save our customers money on maternity bills, including:
• Doctor Visits
• Hospital Stays
• Lab Work
• Sonograms
• 24 Hour Counseling
• 24 Hour Nurse Hotline
• Anesthesiologist
• Pre Natal Vitamins
• Newborn Tests and checkups
• Immunizations
• Prescription Coverage
Plus virtually all other healthcare associated with your pregnancy!
MaternityCard PPO will provides you with a totally comprehensive maternity program. Our program includes EVERYTHING related to your maternity care. And remember, our Certificate of Guarantee that you will save at least the cost of your yearly membership or we will pay you the difference plus $200 and you get to keep the benefits for an additional 12 months free of charge.